Admission is free.
For detailed screening schedules and inquiries, please check the Japan Foundation, Manila website or call the JFM telephone numbers 811-6155 to 58.
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The screening schedule can be found here
My opinionated self making a commentary on films which may shape our lives.
"What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one"
12TH French Film Festival, Cinema 3, Shang Cineplex
12th French Film Festival
Cinema 3, Shang Cineplex
Nevertheless despite being visibly disappointed, this 85 minute documentary was interesting to watch, quite informative and educational. Drawing parallels with the trappings of human existence - it has all the necessary ingredients of a good story telling movie.
Conflicts in the form of some mother penguins trying to steal the other babies. Violence can be manifested through bitter fights among them as well as lurking dangers from menacing enemies (seals, eagles) in the chain. Romantic interludes once they choose their partners among the throngs of penguins and their mating rituals is like watching an elegant ballet dance. Laughter/joy mostly found at the sight of their little chick penguins hatching out of their eggs. Sad moments occur when some of the mother penguins die on their way back to the place where their hungry chicks are waiting to be fed.
Dramatic highlights in the life cycle of an emperor penguin include trying everything to keep warm during those unforgivable blizzards. Plus add in the cuteness factor - because ever so often you end up going "awww" every time you see an adorable furry little penguin chick shivering in the freezing weather.
But most of all I admire the fact that it is the male penguin who takes care of the egg for 4 months going without food while the female penguin goes off to hunt for food miles away from the breeding ground. How's that for (penguin) women's lib, huh?
As the French say "C'est genial!"
"He lived to find beauty. He killed to possess it."
12th French Film Festival, Cinema 3, Shang Cineplex
"In the period of which we speak, there reigned in the cities a stench barely conceivable to us modern men and women. Naturally, the stench was foulest in Paris, for Paris was the largest city in Europe."So from the onset you brace yourself for a dismal depiction of a sad pathetic life. Yet as the movie progresses, you become a silent witness through the portrayal of the different scenes to Jean Baptiste's numerous experiences in his 'smelly' world. Cinematography was artistic to say the least with vivid scenes of a bright lavender field, the dark stinky marketplace of Paris to the lush greenery of the French countryside or the slow motion drop of compressed perfume oil. Haunting sounds effects of a beating heartbeat, the wails of a newly born baby as well as an operatic aria during some vital scenes gave the film some character. It is only towards the ending that the plot gets a bit convoluted and it seems a bit disjointed from the rest of the film. An odd and puzzling ending which is probably best explained in the book leaves you scratching your head and pondering "what was that all about?".
"There's more than one way to lose your life to a killer"
Cinema 6, SM Megamall
Cinema 8, SM Megamall
"At the end of the world, the adventure begins."