Friday, September 20, 2019

10,000 KM

Cine Europa 2019
Cinema 1, Greenbelt 3

This movie is Spain's offering in this year's Cine Europa. It commences with a couple having sex in the hopes of conceiving. They are Alexandra and Sergei, in their early 30s, together for 7 years and live in Barcelona. Sex, breakfast and an important work email for Alex on a lazy Sunday sets the tone for this simplistic film about a long distance relationship. 

Alex, who is British accepts a year long stint as a photographer in Los Angeles while Sergei remains in Barcelona to prepare for his teaching board exam. Soon the setting shifts to a white minimalist apartment of Alex and their shared place in Spain. They keep in touch, despite the time difference through video messaging. Updating each other about their lives and their occupations. 

The problem with long distance relationships (believe I know since I was once in one) is your mind never stops wandering and wondering. Simple things such as what the other person had for breakfast, did he go to the gym? or did he remember to water the plants? - they get highlighted not because you don't trust the other person. But you have this need to still feel like you are part of what used to be your routine as a couple. That connection to each other remains a vital part of the communication. With modern technology like high speed internet, a laptop and a computer with webcams, keeping and staying in touch is way easier in this wifi loaded era.

Naturally, when you see the other person posting pictures with new people, you can't help but wonder if it isn't just platonic. You both set a certain time for the video call and when the other person does not answer the call, you can get paranoid. Is he ok? Did he get home, safe? Is he out with someone else? It is a crazy mental exercise to stay sane when one is part of this type of relationship. 

All of the issues I mentioned above are well portrayed in 10,000 KM. Sergei and Alex have a major argument, deciding to stay away from any forms of communication for some peace of mind. Their relationship reaches its breaking point when Alex wants Sergei to join her in California. This triggers Sergei into thinking she doesn't value what he does for a living. She points out that for the longest time, she was supportive, even living in Barcelona so they can be together.

The last few minutes was vague, in some way a surprise yet not totally unexpected in any LDR. Someone has to indeed sacrifice, make a bold move and hope it works out. In this case for Alex and Sergei, I have my doubts it was the best thing to do. But that is the sarcastic me, being negative. The positive part of me, however small, would like to believe Sergei and Alex will grow old together with their kids, no matter where they decide to live and raise their family.

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